个人陈述代写,PS代写🌍✈️ ,Personal statement写作

Personal statement writing services

个人陈述, Personal statement 代写






  1. 高质量保证:我们确保每一篇PS都是原创的,没有任何抄袭的内容,且都是基于客户的个人经历和要求来写作的。
  2. 快速响应:无论你何时需要我们的帮助,我们的团队都会在第一时间为你提供服务。
  3. 隐私保护:我们十分重视客户的隐私,不会泄露任何客户的个人信息。
  4. 合理的价格:考虑到学生的经济状况,我们提供了非常合理的价格,确保每一位学生都能得到我们的帮助。






  1. 如何开始:很多学生不知道如何开始他们的PS,不知道如何组织内容和结构。
  2. 如何展现自己:如何在有限的字数里,充分展现自己的经历和成就,是很多学生的困惑。
  3. 时间紧迫:很多学生在申请学校的时候,时间都非常紧迫,没有足够的时间来准备和修改PS。
  4. 交叉课程的困惑:有些学生申请的专业和他们之前的学科背景不同,不知道如何在PS里展现他们的跨学科能力。


🎓 学术背景不够强大?个人陈述(PS)写不出来?别担心,我们的PS代写团队为您排忧解难!

💡 为何选择我们的PS代写服务?

🏆 专业团队:我们的团队拥有丰富的留学申请经验和文书写作技巧,他们将深入了解您的背景和需求,量身打造一篇独一无二的个人陈述。

🌟 个性化定制:我们了解每位学生都有自己的特点和优势,因此我们将为您定制一篇充满个性的文书,彰显您的才华与潜力。

🔐 保密承诺:您的隐私对我们至关重要,我们承诺将严格保护您的个人信息,确保安全无忧。

🔄 及时反馈:我们将与您保持密切沟通,确保在规定时间内提交高质量的文书,让您轻松应对申请压力。

💯 满意度保证:我们承诺提供满意度保证,如果您对文书不满意,我们将免费为您进行修改,直至您满意为止。



Sample 1:Growing up in an ordinary family, I learned the value of hard work and dedication from my parents, who always encouraged me to pursue my passions. Their support and love fostered my fascination with the world of business, and I have excelled academically, consistently ranking among the top students in my class. This strong academic foundation, coupled with my passion for helping others, has inspired me to pursue a degree in Business Administration, where I can use my skills and knowledge to make a positive impact on both the business world and my community.

Throughout my academic journey, I have actively participated in various business clubs and competitions, gaining valuable insights into marketing, finance, and entrepreneurship. My most significant accomplishment was representing my school in a national business plan competition, where our team secured a top position. This experience allowed me to develop leadership, teamwork, and critical thinking skills, which I believe are essential for success in the business world.

In addition to my academic achievements, I have always been passionate about giving back to my community. I have volunteered at local non-profit organizations, organizing fundraising events and helping raise awareness for various causes. This has not only taught me the importance of social responsibility in business but also reinforced my desire to use my education to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

I am confident that pursuing a degree in Business Administration will provide me with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in my future career and contribute positively to society. I look forward to learning from renowned professors, engaging with a diverse community of motivated peers, and seizing the opportunities that the university has to offer.

This revised sample focuses on a student from an ordinary family with exceptional academic performance, a passion for business, and a strong commitment to giving back to their community.

Sample 2: As a tech-savvy individual with a passion for entrepreneurship, I have always been fascinated by the intersection of technology and business. My ambition is to obtain a degree in Business and Information Technology, which will empower me to harness the potential of cutting-edge technologies and create innovative solutions for the modern business landscape.

Throughout high school, I have actively participated in various business and technology-related clubs and competitions, honing my skills in project management, programming, and data analysis. My most significant accomplishment was leading a team of peers to win first place in a prestigious national business innovation competition. This experience not only strengthened my leadership skills but also solidified my determination to pursue a career in the field of business technology.

I believe that a degree in Business and Information Technology will provide me with the perfect combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills to thrive in the rapidly evolving digital economy. I am eager to learn from distinguished faculty members and collaborate with like-minded peers who share my passion for innovation. I am committed to making the most of this opportunity and contributing positively to the academic community.

These samples demonstrate how an applicant’s personal experiences, ambitions, and skills can be effectively highlighted in a personal statement for a business program.




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